Thursday, May 3, 2007

Things I never tire of

A soft breeze in the summer
Rain falling, anytime
Birds singing, especially in spring
Ducks on the river, without Canada geese
Poetry (not especially Irish or Scotch)
Crackers and peanut butter
Trees --all of them
Chimes if far enough away
Water to drink, or just water

Things I do tire of

Conversation I can't hear (I can now!)
My own voice running endlessly
My own voice with a frog in my throat
Doves and their constant cooing
Stopped traffic and no red light visible
Dressing and undressing, especially shoes
Undated photos and unrecognized people in photos
Computer's reaction to my wrong choice
Speakers who look into their own writing instead of up
Questions I don't know the answer to
Puzzles that trick me