Saturday, May 19, 2007

clapper rails

What? Can't get with it this morning. With an itchy nose. Did it get sunburned yesterday while I sat on the docki. listening? Mostly listening to grackles, but I imagined the sounds of young clapper rails in the grasses beside the dock where I sat. I turned slowly peered into the long strands of wet grass, flattened by the water and tangled. Why would even a rail want to nest there? No, I suppose she wouldn't . At least after my body objected, the stiffness had to be relieved and I turned myself around and sat as any normal person would, for awhile. Then my legs had to be up, with support, My hat had to be adjusted down to shield my eyes already with dark glasses on them. My eyes, very sensitive to light, especially after staring for long periods.

And I never saw the mother rail, nor any littles ones, nor the nest for that matter. But I did hear her, loud and clear and I know she was right across the water from me --distinct from the grackle's loud cracking voice, she clapped, and clapped, and clapped. I should have clapped when I heard the concert given by the many birds when I was sitting on the porch the other day. Next time.

One day, when Carol and I were on the dock, we did see a rail, long legs lifting to find a good footing on the edge of the water.

It's very quiet now -- no, listen! . It's the little wren (my favorite), back again. Carolina wren.

Bye, you evasive clapper rail. I'll be back, will you?