We looked out and saw an ocean-- the marsh was gone. Where are we? Well, it looked like an ocean, the turbulent winds blowing across, encouraging the surf and rearranging it. The channel of the marsh, which runs along just in front of our dock, was undefinable, merging with the marsh's high waters. This was the first time since we arrived in S.Carolina that we had ever seen such an amazing view from the house. And the winds blew -- across our porch and we stared, and stared, and stared.
Just for comparison, here's a picture we took while Margaret was here. It shows how the marsh looks halfway between low and high tide on a normal day:
This Morning
The marsh! Seemed it got a really good scrubbing last night. The wash water has not yet been emptied, giving us back our "channel" by the dock here, like a small river -- I can hear it rippling in the wind. Looking out over our freshly cleaned marsh, there's a rowboat and there is no doubt that the man is fishing -- there are the pelicans, 3 of them, following along -- do they expect oyster scraps, small fish or whatever the man in the boat throws out, or drops? He motored around the bend. The pelicans fly up and over. I've lost them. It's very quiet here, and the marsh is so very, very clean.