Morning is here again. I look in the mirror at my face -- ooh! Is it
the South Carolina sun? Carol says, don't look in the mirror first
thing in the morning. You're fine. Write!
I'll be going to Massachusetts soon and look forward to seeing
everybody again. And my house. I wonder who lives there now? Mice?
ants, spiders, moths? birds? squirrels? What are they eating? We
left no food. They could read. I left lots of books in the library
there. Oh, the worms. They may have gotten to the books. I'm not
sure I want to go back into that house now. But I was brought up
there, and there are things...things!
What things? All around us, some of them ours, some we wished were
ours, and we kept our things in a box -- maybe the little wooden box
that the codfish came in when the fishman with the truck came by, It
had a slide cover and we could print our name on top, so noone else
would touch our things, unless we let them. We loved the codfish
cakes my mother used to make for lunch sometimes. Left a nice salty
taste in your mouth. I loved that!
And bread and molasses too -- I loved bread and molasses. That's what
I'll ask for when I go up to Massachusetts. Bread and molasses, and a
glass of milk. But in Chelmsford, it won't be the same.