Monday, April 30, 2007

the marsh

It's quiet on the marsh this morning. Well, it's always quiet there when I get up. Where are they? The egret, the herons, the ibis? I know the Great Blue is somewhere close -- didn't we see this bird out there, as we came home the other day?The tide was low then. So they can't blame it on low tide. Actually, I would think low tide would be better for them -- plenty of food in plain sight. Oh, oh! Birds don't use that term, do they? Their sight is far from "plain." Then what is it? Don't like to get their feet entangled in the dry grass, maybe? It doesn't look that dry to me -- I'll bet we couldn't walk there, on those seemingly waterless patches of grass. Grass? Just try mowing it, out there. And it's not even green -- it's brown. Anyway, out there, just waiting -- are the low waters of the marsh (oh, is that what you call it?) Does "marsh" include the surrounding water? Oh, I'm so mixed up. Haven't been on the marsh long enough.