Saturday, April 28, 2007

And this is just a guess on my part

As a child:

EDDIE: Lots of energy, moving, disappearing, discovering, devilish and smiling (looking for reaction (of his mother, and particularly of his younger brother Leo)

LEO: Calm, attentive, less active than Eddie. A listener, curious, alert

TOMMY: After early months of polio --Quiet, seeking a hand, reinforcement, easy going, passive, curious

JIMMY; After early months of polio -- whiny, listless, interested, busy and occasionally a huge smile

THELMA: Not calm, but restless, anxious, busy, provocative, always looking for new experiences. Looked to her father for calming and affection

CHARLIE: Seemingly quiet. But inside? Always wanting more new experiences, to learn things. Listened attentively. Easily lured into trouble

LILY: A beauty. Quietly seeking attention. Watching intently. A bit of jealousy Very close to her mother.

JOE: Energetic, fast-moving, playful, unpredictable, eager, lovable

Sorry -- more later.