My Defense
A "doggy-bag" for me and Mia,
the one to swing, the other, clear,
for when she jumps at me, they said,
"Just swing and whack her on the head."
The "doggy-bag" is not my lunch
nor contains the smallest snack to crunch,
three empty cans — aluminum —
to clank and maybe frighten some.
It frightens me — as well as Mia
and I cringe up whenever I see her
so I admit, my swing is weak
when Mia comes up, my love to seek.
The "doggy-bag" then's my defense
at Mia's aloha — quite intense —
her jumping up and I so weak
and all she's trying to do is speak.
When I see her little tail wag
I hesitate to wield the bag
and Mike (who made it) could have said,
"Swing! Or I'll fling it on your head!"